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Report for March 2022

WEST SUPPORT in March focused on providing humanitarian aid to Ukraine. The basic principle for our organization is the human right to freedom and democratic views. We could not stay away from the situation that occurred in Ukraine as a result of Russia's perfidious attack and we launched two new programs:

- "Humanitarian aid to Ukrainians"


Within the program «Humanitarian aid to Ukrainians» we ensured the delivery of humanitarian aid to Ukraine in the amount of more than 120 tons, including medicines, sets of essential products, personal hygiene products, warm clothes, clean water, mattresses, and sleeping bags.

Our representative office “West support inc. in Ukraine" ensured the delivery of humanitarian aid within the country and the transfer to the needy population. As a result, we have been able to help more than 10,000 people.

Within the program «WAR IN UKRAINE» Representative office «West support inc. in Ukraine» provides daily hot meals to more than 1,500 military personnel of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in Kiev region.

It`s important to note that within the framework program «WAR IN UKRAINE», we help military units Kiev and Kharkov regions of Ukraine in providing personal protective equipment for the productive performance of combat missions. Over the past month, they were given 100 sets of body armor of the 4th protection class, 9 thermal imagers, 2 unmanned aerial vehicle (class Mini), 1 Aircraft-type UAV to control the front edge of the defense (class Close Range), 20 Handheld Digital Radios.

We are grateful to all our partners and donors for helping Ukraine and for working together at this difficult moment for the entire democratic world.

We also want to greet our new Donors and partners:

- Aktionsbundnis Ukraine-Hilfe Wildrube (Germany)

- American Online Giving Foundation, Inc. (US)

- The UK Online Giving Foundation (UK)

- Art For Charity Association Inc (US)

who in March joined our common work in helping Ukraine.

We continue to work and call on all our partners and donors to work together and provide assistance to Ukraine at this difficult moment for the whole world.

By supporting Ukraine, we support our democratic values, for which people are dying in Ukraine.


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